Many film festivals offer free submissions to locally based filmmakers, a well-known opportunity for those keeping an eye on submission policies. Sometimes, these waivers are available throughout the entire call for entries period, but more often, they are limited to a specific timeframe—typically right after the call for entries launches. A little research can go a long way in securing fee-free opportunities.
If you submit to the right festivals and get selected, you’ll receive The Tarkovski Grant, which provides full submission fee waivers for over 20 well-established film festivals. Additionally, the Connecting Cultures Program not only offers The Tarkovski Grant but also maintains a year-round free submission policy for filmmakers based in over 30 supported countries.
Here’s a breakdown of festivals offering free submissions based on geographic location:
- Hong Kong Arthouse Film Festival
- Sydney World Film Festival
- Doc.Sydney Documentary Film Festival
United States
- Super Shorts New York Film Festival
- Manhattan Independent Film Festival
- Boston Short Film Festival
- Somerville International Film Festival
- Doc.Boston Documentary Film Festival
- New Jersey Independent Film Festival
- Toronto Arthouse Film Festival
- Toronto Film Week
United Kingdom
- Super Shorts London Film Festival
- Doc.London Documentary Film Festival
- Brussels Independent Film Festival
- Bruges International Film Festival
- Viewpoint Documentary Film Festival
- Obskuur Ghent Film Festival
- Ghent International Short Film Festival
- Venice Film Week
- Verona International Film Festival
The Netherlands
- Amsterdam Independent Film Festival
- Festival Ecra
- Doc.Berlin Documentary Film Festival
Connecting Cultures Program Countries
Filmmakers based in the following countries can submit for free year-round under the Connecting Cultures Program:
- Afghanistan
- Burkina Faso
- Burundi
- Central African Republic
- Chad
- Eritrea
- Democratic Republic of the Congo
- Ethiopia
- Gambia
- Georgia
- Guinea-Bissau
- Haiti
- Iran
- Liberia
- Madagascar
- Malawi
- Mali
- Mozambique
- Myanmar
- Nepal
- Niger
- Palestine
- Rwanda
- Sierra Leone
- South Sudan
- Sudan
- Tajikistan
- Togo
- Uganda
- Ukraine
- Venezuela
- Yemen
- Zimbabwe
If you’re eligible for free submissions in your country, seize the opportunity to showcase your work on a global stage—without the financial barrier. Keep an eye on festival deadlines and be strategic with your submissions to maximize your chances of selection and access to The Tarkovski Grant.
More information on The Tarkovski Grant: https://www.thetarkovskigrant.org
More information on the Connecting Cultures Program: https://www.connectingculturesprogram.com